American Airlines hleypir af stokkunum nýju millilandaflugi frá JFK í New York til St. Kitts

American Airlines heldur áfram að stækka við farsælt áfangastað flugfélagsins og flýgur annað vikulega millilandaflug frá John F. K alþjóðaflugvellinum í New York (JFK) til St. Kitts á miðvikudögum og bætir við núverandi stanslausu laugardagsþjónustu flugfélagsins frá JFK .

„Ég er mjög ánægður með að fagna því að American Airlines bætti við þessu miðvikuflugi,“ sagði Hon. Lindsay FP Grant, ráðherra ferðamála, alþjóðaviðskipta, iðnaðar og viðskipta. „Það er yndislegt að fá þessa viðbótarþjónustu frá mikils metnum samstarfsaðila, sem veitir gestum jafnt sem Diaspora fleiri leiðir til að komast til eyjar frá frumheimildamarkaðnum. Þetta er vitnisburður um traust Bandaríkjamanna á ferðaþjónustu okkar. “

Frá og með 18. desember 2019 mun American Airlines stjórna fluginu með 176 sæta Boeing 757 með 16 viðskiptaflokkssætum fram í febrúar og síðan 160 sæta Boeing 738 með 16 sætum í viðskiptaflokki með eftirfarandi áætlun: -

Depart Arrive

JFK 8:30 am SKB 1:40 pm
SKB 2:35 pm JFK 6:20 pm

* Athugið: Flug er skráð á staðartíma og áætlanir geta breyst.

Racquel Brown, CEO of the St. Kitts Tourism Authority, added, “The timing of this additional flight is particularly significant, as American just launched summer non-stop service from Dallas this past weekend and expanded twice-daily service from Miami International Airport (MIA) to 5 days a week in 2017. The addition of mid-week service year-round from the New York metropolitan area indicates a growth in the marketplace concurrent with our marketing initiatives. This new service is part of our specific strategy to grow our tourism industry by building out airlift from select target gateways with our air partners to support the destination’s expanding hotel product.”

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American Airlines is the carrier operating the most seats into St. Kitts. In addition to the new Wednesday non-stop service from JFK, American also serves St. Kitts non-stop on Saturdays from JFK and Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) year-round. The carrier also flies to St. Kitts non-stop on Saturdays from Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) in the summer, with service having just launched May 25, 2019. American further provides year-round, non-stop daily service to St. Kitts from MIA, with twice-daily flights operating five times weekly (Wednesday through Sunday).

American’s new Wednesday JFK flight provides extra capacity to carry passengers to island, thereby supporting potential air arrivals growth for St. Kitts for 2020. Already for the first four months of 2019, St. Kitts is reporting a systemwide increase in air passenger arrivals of +14.5% as compared to the same period in 2018. From all North American carriers, St. Kitts’ air passenger arrivals increased +17.2% for January through April 2019 as compared to the same period in 2018.

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