Category - Terrorism and Crime for travelers:

Mikil sprenging klettar Dubai

The extent of the damage caused by the explosion to the port and surrounding cargo was not immediately clear. | Massive explosion rocks Dubai

Eswatini samþykkir að tala loksins

Dozens of people killed, businesses and government buildings destroyed, fear of life by police and citizens. Everyone now agrees the solution is to talk. | Eswatini Agrees to Talk Finally

Eswatini viðræður sammála um alla

Dozens of people killed, businesses and government buildings destroyed, fear of life by police and citizens. Everyone now agrees the solution is to talk. | Eswatini Talks Agreed by all

17 manns særðust í sprengjubílum í Los Angeles

The explosion rocked the neighborhood, overturning nearby cars, shattering glass and damaging homes as it sent a large plume of smoke up in the air. | 17 people wounded in Los Angeles bomb truck explosion

IATA vill að stjórnvöld losi sig við dýr PCR Covid próf

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) urged governments to accept best-in-class rapid antigen tests in fulfillment of COVID -19 testing requirements following the publication of new research by OXERA and Edge Health. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Börn svelta til dauða og hunsuð

Fjöldi vannærðra barna sem teknar eru inn á næringarmiðstöðvar sem studdar eru af íslömskum hjálp í Jemen hefur næstum tvöfaldast á síðustu þremur mánuðum, þar sem kreppan magnast þar sem alþjóðleg stjórnvöld skera niður mikilvægar mannúðarframlög. Miðstöðvarnar hafa einnig séð 80 prósenta aukningu á vannærðum þunguðum konum og nýjum mæðrum sem leita sér aðstoðar. - eTurboNews | Stefna | Ferðafréttir á netinu

Ítalskur sendiherra drepinn í hryðjuverkaárás í Lýðveldinu Kongó

Italy's Ambassador to Congo, an Italian carabineri police officer and their local driver were killed today in an attack on a UN convoy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Continue reading Italian Ambassador killed in terror attack in Democratic Republic of Congo at eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online.